b'MS Focus ActivitiesCarla FeigalFruita, Colo.My husband is my caretaker. We have been married 50years and never would I have imagined he would be doingmy hair and wheeling me in my transport chair. Togetherwe have run half-marathons, and three times climbedLongs Peak, a 14,000 footer in the Rocky MountainNational Park. It is hard to me to ask for help, but he tellsme to err on the side of safety.Heidi WaltonBucyrus, OhioI am a disabled woman with multiple sclerosis. I am 60years old. My daughter Jessica was 14 years old when I wasdiagnosed. She has spent her whole life taking care of me.She is married but lives with me and wont leave me,because she is afraid multiple sclerosis will get her momand she wont be there to save her. My daughter is there inthick and thin. At the hospitals, doctors, the driving, shedoes it all. Buys what I needmedicine food, clothes,anything. She loves me so much. This I know and I love her.Thank you, God, for giving me Jessica.Congratulations to our other winning recipients:James Maher III nominated his wife, Dorita Maher.Joann M. Appeldorn nominated her step-sister, Kathy Disch.Teena Harvey nominated her daughter, Christina Wilson.Michelle Burkett nominated her husband, Bret Burkett.Lineada Smith nominated her sister, Lakeyla Swain.msfocusmagazine.org 38'