b'September TeleconferencesKeeping the spark alive in MS relationshipsDan & Jennifer Digmann msfocus.us/091020Prioritizing wellness during the pandemicDr. Schafer, Tiany, Zoe & Brian msfocus.us/091420The New World of TelehealthBen Thrower, MD msfocus.us/091520Watch Your Step! Fall Prevention and MSBrittany McHugh, PY,DPT,MSCS msfocus.us/091720October TeleconferencesBeyond The Script: The Ins and Outs of Specialty PharmacyAdrienne DeBerry, PharmD msfocus.us/050720Three Reasons Why You Should Attendan Online Educational Program LiveWe are proud to provide these recordings of our online educational programs for the benetof those who cannot attend. But knowing a recording is coming, should you still make theeort to attend? Absolutely. Here are three great reasons:1. Support Your SpeakersHave you ever had to explain something complicated over the phone? Was it dicult to knowwhether your listener was understanding what you were telling them? This is one of the biggestchallenges for speakers who are adapting to online educational programs. The health expertswho present these programs are used to interactive, in-person programs. Without seeing theiraudiences faces and hearing their questions, it can be dicult for them to know if they areteaching eectively. Just by being present on camera or by asking questions, you support thespeakers who are sharing their time and knowledge with the MS community. 2. Bring Your QuestionsBy attending the online program, you have the opportunity to ask questions of the speaker.Perhaps there is something they said you need clarified, or a related question that wasntaddressed. That not only benets you, but benets others who are getting access to additionalinformation because of the question you thought to ask. 3. Provide Your FeedbackStarting in November, every attendee will have the opportunity to provide feedback. What didyou think of the speaker? Would you like to hear more from them? What about the topic?What other topics are of interest to you? Your feedback will help us plan future educationalprograms. We hope you will join us for our upcoming programs! 43 msfocusmagazine.org'