b'GGiiffttsstthhaattGGiivveeBBaacckkThis holiday season, consider buying from these partnersto give back to MS Focus.Who: Kendra ScottWhen: Nov. 13 and 14 - Virtual Shopping Event Where: Miami, Boca Raton, Palm Beach, Orlando, Tampa, Sarasota,Jacksonville. Pick a store, tell your friends, and start shopping.How: Use promo code GIVINGBACK0CDT to give 20 percent back toMS Focus of your stylish jewelry purchase.Who: SendacakeWhen: OngoingWhere: Online at sendacake.comHow: Use promo code Giving4MS to give 20 percent back to MS Focuswhen you send a custom cake to celebrate with socially-distant friendsand family.Who: Special Needs GroupWhen: OngoingWhere: shopspecialneedsgroup.com/soothie/How: Buy the Soothie Cushion cooling device with codeMS Focus and give 10 percent back to our programs and services.Who: Ebay for CharityWhen: OngoingWhere: charity.ebay.com/charity/Multiple-Sclerosis-FoundationInc-/167139How: Ebay for charity works just like the Ebay you know and love. Findsteals on collectibles and curiosities, while supporting the MS cause.Who: Amazon SmileWhen: OngoingWhere: smile.amazon.com/How: Select Multiple Sclerosis Foundation as your charity and shop justlike you normally would. Amazon donates a portion of your purchase.Dont forget to type in smile when you go to Amazon? Install theextension Always Smile in your browser to redirect all Amazon links toAmazon Smile.23 msfocusmagazine.org'