b'Life with MSFFiinnddiinnggtthheeWWoorrddssBy Marcia Harris Are you ever at a loss for words? That is not are fearful to do so. Fear and anxiety can causeusually the case with me. I am an outgoing many things. You may make more mistakesperson, love to talk, share ideas, and am not at work or have trouble handling everythingafraid to speak my mind. I like to write as well, you need to do. Worry can hinder your memory.and have been told I am reasonably good at it, It may feel like you have brain fog.but lately I dont know what to say. I am very What can be done about all of this? First,lucky to have a job where I can work remotely try to nail down some of your feelings. It is afrom home during the pandemic, but it is fact that common brain fog causes includestarting to get to me. I want to talk out loud about eating too much or too often, inactivity, notthings and bounce ideas o my coworkers. getting enough sleep, and is not alwaysSometimes I walk around in my house like a caused by stress. If you are anxious or fearful,crazy person, talking out loud to myself. I shout simplefeeling wordscancalm yourmindat the television during the news, which to be and change your brain. Research shows thathonest, I nd myself doing a lot of lately. labeling your emotion can ease your feelingsSo, what has changed? Why am I having a and make you feel more in control. Try to noticedicult time nding the right words? Why am when an emotion is overwhelming you andI starting to talk out loud to no one in the room? search for a word that describes it. You mayFrom the research I did on these matters, it start to feel your emotions subside.appears that one of the most common reasons Thinking is the way you talk to yourself, infor word nding issues is stress. It is amazingthe eect stress can have on our bodies. In fact, essence it is self-talk. Try to nd out what isone way stress can aect us is by temporarily on your mind by guring out what you areshort circuiting our brains. We may have a saying to yourself. When you think your brainvery strong vocabulary, are good with words, has short circuited, take a deep breath and tryand have a good memory, but under stress to nd out the reason why. Keep in mind thatour brains short circuit.learning new things changes your brain, evenI dont have to tell you why I am stressed if you are older. In fact, doing the research forbecause I know you are too. We struggle with this article and nding out the reasons I mayour desire to return to normal daily activities be having such a hard time has taught meagainst the fear of actually doing it. We want some new things and given me hope that Ito go out with our friends and families, yet we will once again be able to nd the words.Please welcome this newly aliated group:Multiple Sclerosis Awareness and Education Online Facebook Support GroupSPEAK MS Online Facebook Support GroupPlease visit our website at www.msfocus.org for the meeting dates, times, and locationsor to nd the support group nearest you.msfocusmagazine.org 46'