b'AASSeeaassoonnooffGGrraattiittuuddeeAlan R. SegaloExecutive DirectorAre you looking forward to Thanksgiving? The way we celebrate the occasion will likely lookvery dierent this year than in years past. But in some ways, dont we have more reason to begrateful?While those of us practicing social distancing because of the COVID-19 pandemic may notbe able to gather with our loved ones as we normally do, we can be grateful we have survived and are still survivinga very difficult time for our society. We can be grateful for thetechnology that helps us stay connected even when we cannot be together. And we can bethankful for the people who go above and beyond to help. Much has been said about the rst responders on the front lines of the COVID-19 ght and deservedly so. However, lets not forget about the neurologists, nurses, therapists,pharmacists, and others who are taking care of the MS community daily. Not only are they stillseeing to their patients throughout this pandemic, many continue to volunteer their time,doing things such as writing for this magazine or presenting online educational programs.(See Takeaways on page 42 for links to recordings of the most recent presentations.)Close to home, we can be grateful for family caregivers. November is National Family CaregiversMonth, and as always, MS Focus is recognizing the wonderful gift family caregivers give topeople with MS. Our gratitude toward them has only grown this year, knowing they have manynew challenges to face in providing care during a pandemic. See page 44 to learn moreabout the respite care provided by the Foundation to assist caregivers, and page 36to read some of the many touching essays from our Caregivers Night Out contest.At MS Focus, we are also exceptionally thankful for the supporters that helpus provide services such as respite care, emergency nancial assistance, andso many more. To the many who donated to the Give Me Five campaignhighlighted in our last issue, thank you, on behalf of the sta of the Foundationand those who need our services. We are thankful were able to be here tohelp those with MS in need.Wishing you all a happyhealthy holiday season!msfocusmagazine.org 6'