b'Poop Tracker: Apple/Android. Easy will have suggestions for apps they have usedto use free app with good visuals. It withpatients.Again,keepinmindmanylets youmakenotesforurgency, apps require subscriptions and/or fees to useblood, and pain. It has a calendar that is easy premium features. The severity of your issuesto access. You can upgrade for more features will help you decide if this is worthwhile.for a fee. Bladder Pal: Very simple, but it isStool Log: Apple/Android. Easy to easy to use and free.usefreeappwithgoodvisuals.Good data tracking over time. Vesica: Also free, but a little moreGI Buddy/Monitor: Apple/Android. comprehensive.Verycomprehensiveandcovers iUFlow:Thisappisdesignedtomore than just bowel movements. work with an iUFlow device you putIf you have a comprehensive health app it in your toilet. This device will measuremay be more than you need. If not, it may be your urine ow and record the informationa good place to start tracking more info. in the app. You can use the app without theVoiding device, but of course you have to measureWhile it is uncomfortable to talk about the ow with a manual collection device. Theurinary issues such as incontinence, sharing cost is $100. accurate data with your healthcare professionals A Smart Toilet? It is on the horizon. Thesewill help them work with you toward improving devices will measure your urinary and bowelyour symptoms. As mentioned previously it functioning automatically. The data wouldis a good idea to make your urinary voiding then be shared with your devices and possiblydiary part of your overall health diary.your healthcare professional. Smart devicesKeeping track of your liquid intake and are expanding all the time and with the numberhow often you void your bladder is only part of people with health issues it is only a matterof the data. You may also want to keep track of time before these devices become moreof any pain and urgency issues in addition to mainstream.However,untilthishappens,the amount of liquid voided. Depending on thisarticlemightspark youtostartusingthe severity of your issues you may want to technology to track your health. It will makeuse a hat or urinary collection device. As conversationswithyourhealthproviderswith all the information suggested in this more meaningful. articleyoushoulddiscussthiswithyourhealth professionals. Have Your SayUsing an app will help you to aggregate If you have tips and suggestions forthe data you collect making it easier for your making life easier with MS,healthcare professionals to get a good pictureof what your symptoms are and how your wed love to hear them!bladder is functioning. Email us at:The apps listed are just a sample of what editor@msfocus.org.is available and many health professionals19 msfocusmagazine.org'