b'Symptom ManaGementSSaaffeeCCaatthheetteerriizzaattiioonnMeeting the challengesto reduce the risk of UTIsBy Tracy WalkerThere are dierent ways MS can aect thebladder but one of the most serious is urinaryretention. The good news is urinary retentioncan be managed and its serious effects When I mention the word catheterization,prevented. many of my patients have preconceivedWhy is urinary retention such a serious notions of what this means and oftentimes areproblem when many folks dont even realize convinced they cannot perform catheterizationsthey are not emptying their bladder completely? safely or having to do so would mean not beingUrinary retention can lead to frequent urinary able to live a normal life. The reality is manytract infections that if left untreated can lead people who have this problem are alreadyto sepsis, hospitalization, and even death. Even controlled by having to spend so much timewhen treated quickly, urinary tract infections in the restroom or home sick with the eectsoften cause increased MS symptoms when the of recurrent UTIs. Once they start catheterizingimmune system is activated to ght infection. they feel so much better and they wish theyOver time, urinary retention can cause high had done it sooner. pressures in the kidneys, leading to kidney While not performing catheterization whenfailure and dialysis. So, treatment is very needed can lead to very serious health risks,important, even if you arent having these there can be risks associated with catheterizationsymptoms yet. if not done correctly. One question I alwaysAAvvooiiddiinnggUUTTIIss get is wont putting a catheter in causeHow is urinary retention treated? There are infection? The answer is it can, but when donea variety of approaches to help folks empty correctly it usually does not. Studies havetheirbladderfully,includingintermittent shown that most bladder infections are causedcatheterization or IC. by the bladder overstretching from retention.WWhhaattiissccaatthheetteerriizzaattiioonn??In urinary catheterization a exible tube knownas a urinary catheter is inserted into the bladderthrough the urethra. Catheterization allows urine todrain from the bladder for collection. Intermittentcatheterization is typically done at home by thepatient, after training with a nurse or therapist.msfocusmagazine.org 20'