b'Life with MSAAddvviicceeffrroommaannAAggiinnggMMSSeerrBy Matt Cavallo. MPHI was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis atTake care of your body. Use this diagnosis28 years old. I am now 43. When I was 28 years to motivate you to walk further, workoutold and newly diagnosed, I was devastated. I harder, and live healthier. These habits arethought my life was over. Everything I knew hard to develop when youre older, with orabout MS, including having an aunt with MS withoutMS,sostartingyoungerwhenwho died at 43, was bad. youre more physically capable is important. My aunt was my age when she died. SheFocus on what you can control. Just becauseleft behind her three teenage sons, a husband you cant control the progression of yourwho drowned his sorrows in alcohol, my heart- disease, doesnt mean you dont have controlbrokengrandparents,andgrief-stricken over other areas of your life. You control whatextended family. I was young at the time and you eat, how you sleep, and other factorsdidntunderstandgrief,orhowtraumatic thatcanleadtoabetteroverallhealthywatching someone deteriorate in front of your lifestyle, even if you have MS.eyes because of a disease really was. Become an MS expert. Research all of yourThese memories, however, shaped my view options, know all of your triggers, and attendof MS, and at the time of my diagnosis, I was support groups and educational dinners toscared. All I could think about was my aunt. further your understanding of this disease.I didnt want people to see me deteriorate, soSeek medical advice from trusted sources.I started pushing people away. I wanted to Dont go to your doctor and say everythingisolate myself so I wouldnt put the people I is ne and then ask Facebook what theyloved through what my family went through think of your symptoms. Most have thatwith my aunt.backwards. Ask your doctor what they thinkaboutyoursymptomsandtellFacebookBoy, was I wrong. Little did I know at the youre doing ne. time the best years of my life were ahead ofYou dont need validation, positive or negative,me. I was so consumed with my own self-doubt about how you are living with your disease.that I wasted a lot of time that I now wish I Ifsomeonesaysyoulookgreat,thankcould get back. So, what would I have done them. It is so much better than someonedierently? If my 28-year-old newly-diagnosed saying you look like a hot mess.self was here right now, I would have someDont let fear control you. Go and live youradvice. life like you dont have MS. The last thing Focus on living, not dying. MS doesnt really you want to do is look back at the end ofchange your life expectancy. Even though your life and say, I didnt do this because Iyou have an incurable brain disease, that was afraid of my MS.doesnt mean you cant go on to live a long, Remember, you may have MS, but it is yourfullling life.decision as to whether it has you.msfocusmagazine.org 24'