b'MS Focus ActivitiesCaregivers Night Out Contest2020 WinnersWhile this November may be best remembered for sheltering-in-place because of COVID-19,we still took the time, as we do every year, to celebrate National Family Caregivers Month. Formany in the MS community, their lives would be vastly dierent, and more dicult, without acaregiver. In 2002, MS Focus wanted to do something special to celebrate caregivers across thecountry. Because everyone loves getting a little spotlight to brag about their loved ones, we askedour readers to tell us about everything their caregivers do, and how much they mean to them. During the past 18 years, we have received thousands of submissions about the unconditional,life-changing care and support that has been given by wives, husbands, parents, children, siblings,friends, and neighbors around the nation. This year was no dierent.Caregivers deserve praise all year long, but this November, make sure you let them knowjust how much you care about them and appreciate the things they do. And, if given the chance,be sure to brag to the world about your how amazing your caregiver is.Here are some excerpts from the letters submitted by our 2020 winners:Yvonne AlmeidaGreenville, S.C.My husband, Rick has taken my 94-year-old maternal AuntRuth under one arm, and me under the other, and placed himselflike gallant armor against the COVID-19 virus since March of thisyear. He has kept us safely inside our homes, been the brave oneto risk grocery and pharmacy shopping, all the while being diligentwith his mask, sanitizer, and frequent hand-washing regimen. Rick has been by my side constantly since my current MSrelapse began, catering to my every need. Now he is pushing mein a wheelchair, doctor-to-doctor, while we try to determine thecause of other problems that have occurred since my solu-medrolinfusions. My neurologist is at the MS center in Atlanta, a two-hourride from us. This drive is very stressful. Yet, Rick does so whenevernecessary and without complaints. Rick has always been a wonderful caregiver. But this past month I have watched him witha special amount of pride and appreciation. He has to be here with me with no relief, ever! Yet,msfocusmagazine.org 36'