b"and he had me smiling the whole time. That Damian has also been invited to participateevening, I went and looked up his YouTube in activities for the National MS Society,channel and watched everything there. While Genentech, MS Views and News, and otherDamian is charming, funny, and enthusiastic, organizations in the MS space. But to Damian,it was his love for sharing his knowledge and the most important thing he does is still hisexperience in the MS community that really YouTubechannel.Heconsidershisfourstruck me. I thought, we need people like thousand subscribers to be part of his supportDamian. So I invited him to be a member of system.ThecommentersknowwhatImgoing through. They share other information,theMSLivedExperience AdvisoryPanel. other ideas for me to chase down. Its someone(See box below.) else thats there. Thats real.Damians YouTube Channel -https://www.youtube.com/c/NoStressMS/videosWHAT IS MS LEAP?The MS Lived Experience Advisory Panel is a committee of people with MS who areoutstanding advocates for the MS community. This diverse group represents the fullspectrum of the MS experience. Their role is to advise MS Focus on the needs of the MScommunity from their own experience and perspective. Members contribute ideas foreducational programs, give feedback on new publications, are consulted about unmet needs,and generally give input on the activities of MS Focus. What has worked for you to manaGebladder and bowel symptoms?Jocelyn Menck Mustain After a hospitalization where I had been catheterized for a while, my generaldoctor recommended an excellent urologist who gave me two great bits of advice: Remember thathealing from anything takes longer when you get older, and even longer when you have MS, so relaxabout the lack of immediate results. Also, he suggested that I may be able to train myself to get up togo to the bathroom during the night less and less, as long as I am not allowing anxiety to overwhelmme. This has worked and reworked over time, again and again, with calm patience.I have not asked the docs to nd out about the next steps of various drugs and surgeries that may help.Perhaps when the current strategies no longer work.Charlene K. Hock Bladder rehab and biofeed back with a PT at my OBGYN oce. Helped me to knowhow to strengthen my Kegel and know how it should feel. After I don't know how many relapses withfull body numbness, I lost a lot of knowing the sensation to be able to do it. It's not perfect, but waybetter than it was. I still wear a pad to be safe, but so thankful for this team who helped me with thiswet issue. Gives a new appreciation for when a baby/toddler cries with a wet diaper!29 msfocusmagazine.org"