b'Life with MSSSttaammppiinnggOOuuttSSttiiggmmaaBladder and Bowel Symptoms Not a Cause for ShameIf you are experiencing urinary incontinence, issues, and incontinence. What about televisionyou may feel alone. Would it surprise you to ads for constipation products or catheterknow that one in every two women, and one supplies? Typically, they feature smilingin every four men, experience some degree senior citizens. of urinary incontinence? (Thats not just people These subtle cultural clues lead us towith MSit includes everyone.) The average think bladder and bowel problems are for theage of onset is probably younger than you aged, a mark of declining vigor. This misleadingthink, too. While we tend to believe bladder image contributes to the stigma experiencedand bowel symptoms are problems of the both by younger adults and active, mobileelderly, only half of all urology patients aresenior citizens. People in middle adulthood senior citizens.actually make up the largest group of those But perhaps the stigma is more fundamentalseeking help. than that. We learn as children that controllingFecal incontinence, while not as prevalent, our urge to eliminate is a mark of maturity.also occurs more often than one would think Itshow youearn yourbigkidlabel.(about eight percent of the total population Mastering that skill is one of the rst majorwill experience it, and its a chronic issue for accomplishments of our young lives. Losingabout three percent of people). When it comes theabilitytocontrolwhenandwhereweto constipation, almost everyone will experience eliminate wastenaturallyfeelslikeastepit at some point in their lives, but one in every backward.six people experiences chronic constipation. Finally, theres a sense of taboo aroundBoth symptoms are also relatively common in evendiscussingthesesymptoms.Weremiddle adulthood. taught that we dont discuss elimination inIf these problems are so common, why is polite society. Our very language obscuresthere so much stigma surrounding them?the subject. For example, we dont use theE toilet, we go to the restroom. Who is restingExxpplloorriinnggtthheeSSoouurrcceeSome of the problem may be social in there? So is it any wonder many of us haveconditioning. Have you ever noticed where a dicult time openly discussing urinationincontinencesuppliesarelocatedinyour and defecation?localdrugstore?Unlikemenstrualpads, FFiigghhttiinnggtthheeSSttiiggmmaawhicharefrequentlylocatednearfamilyplanning and baby supplies, incontinence If the stigma comes from these mistakenprotection is often across the aisle from walker ideas, then we combat the stigma with theand wheelchair accessories, emphasizing the truth. Lets look at these myths one by oneperceived connection between aging, mobility and tear them down. msfocusmagazine.org 14'