b'MS Focus ActivitiesGiving Back:Second AnnualMS FocusBasket FundraiserTraci Ceras is unstoppable. When she set her mind to holdingher second annual MS Focus Basket Rae, not even a worldwidepandemic could stop her. On July 27, the Milltown, N.J. residenthosted a masked and socially-distanced event, raing o basketsof items she collected or purchased. With the support of herfriends and family, the event was a smashing success.What inspired you to help people with MS? and support of my friends and family toMy inspiration to help people with MS is donate items for the rae to make this eventthat I myself am a MS survivor. I know how happen. We just hoped and prayed that, bydicult things can be having this disability, July, I would be able to hold the sold-outand I wanted to do my best to help out my event that I had 240 people attending. MS "family." When July came and I saw the COVIDWhat was the most challenging part guidelines, I had to totally rearrange myof this project? venue to let only 60 people in an hour, withI love what I do when I put this fundraiser masks and social distancing. We called thetogether. But it does get crazy wrapping more numbersoutsideandhadapicnic-typethan 150 baskets and personally putting each tricky tray (where everyone brought tables,one together. My hubby and I joke that after chairs, and lunch) and enjoyed the event. Mywrapping all these baskets, were going to get volunteersthisyearweremyfriendsanda divorce. (We always argue jokingly when we familyfor which I cannot thank them enough. wrap baskets, but hes always there helping.) What was the outcome of your event,But the most challenging part of this despite these challenges?years fundraiser was when COVID-19 hit I started last year with my rst rae raisingus in March. It was so unfortunate. With all $12,000, and this year raised more thanbusinesses shut down and people losing their $20,000! I was over the moon with the supportlivelihoods, asking for donations to support my I received for this fundraiser.fundraiser was at a halt. Since I started back What did you learn from doing this? in November of 2019 asking for donations formy event, I didnt let the COVID stand in I have learned in the past two years nowmy way. Instead, my husband and I pulled of doing this that, even though it\'s a very timetogether our own funds, as well as the help consuming fundraiser to do on my own (withmsfocusmagazine.org 26'