b"During November, a coalition of groups organization takes a slightly dierent approachrepresentingphysiciansandpatients and brings a dierent perspective to identifyincluding MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis and treat these conditions and disorders.Foundationare raising awareness about Stigma is a key barrier to discussing bladderbladder conditions. As part of National Bladder problems. As a consequence, people hideHealthAwarenessMonth,individualsare incontinence from their friends, family, andbeing encouraged to take an active role in even their signicant other. Most women waitmanaging their bladder health. atleastseven yearsbeforeevenspeakingMillions of Americans struggle with the with a doctor about incontinence. Accordingeectsofbladderconditionsanddisease. to government experts, half of all Americans dontNovember is an opportunity to speak out about mention it to their doctor at all. Incontinencebladder health conditions such as urinary limits peoples lives and how they interactincontinence, overactive and underactive with each otherfear of having an accidentbladder, interstitial cystitis, urinary tract takesprecedenceovertimewithfriends,infections, nocturia, bedwetting, bladder cancer family, and even work. andneurogenicbladder. Theseconditions Its a taboo subject, but it doesnt have to be.too often get left out of pertinent discussions By taking some actionable steps to managebetween doctors and patients because of the condition will help people to take chargeembarrassment or taboos. They can have a oftheirbladderhealthandincontinence.signicant eect on an individual's health Suchstepsincludesharingyourstorybyand quality of life, and result in substantial using the hashtag #BladdersMatter and postinghealth costs, estimated to be more than $70 each day of November on social media. Ifbillion per year. everyonestartsspeakingupalittlemoreSeveral government institutes are involved about incontinence, it wont be such a tabooin research into bladder problems. Each issue. For more information about National Bladder Health Awareness Month, visit:www.urologyhealth.org/media-center/bladder-health-month-2020.For more information about the Urology Care Foundation, visit: www.uroloGyhealth.orG.39 msfocusmagazine.org"