b'history, family support and psychosocial minimize the risk of developing unintendedenvironment while always considering how complicationsassociatedwithpoorpelviceach persons body responds to a given oor motor control. therapeutic intervention. This is where the While in an ideal world, every person wouldexperience and expertise of your therapist is be able to participate in a pelvic oor retrainingcritical. With the MS population, it is imperative via a therapeutic relationship with someonethat a sucient amount of recovery time is who has experience in both the neurologygiven between therapeutic interventions to and pelvic oor worlds, sometimes this is notensure that the muscles recover adequately. always possible for various reasons. There areThis is true with all forms of exercise but many resources available to help people reachespecially true within the MS population.When treating the pelvic oor, it is equally their health and wellness goals. As with anycritical that a therapist recheck the patients comprehensive wellness and/or health careability to accurately contract and relax the pelvic program,youshouldalwaysconsultwithoor muscle group to ensure that accurate your physician before beginning any type ofmotorlearningisoccurring. Thiswillalso new exercise program. Websites and appsBelow is a list of websites and apps that focus on pelvic oor strengthening, diaphragmaticbreathing, and relaxation strategies. Please note, that this is not a comprehensive list butonly those I have found easiest to use and benecial in treating patients with various boweland bladder dysfunction.Education and pelvic oor exercises:aptapelvichealth.org/patienteducationpelvichealthsolutions.ca/for-the-patientwww.pelvicexercises.com.aupelvicrehab.com/blogwww.pelvicoorrst.org.auOnline exercise websites:www.downdogyoga.comeldergym.comwww.pelvicexercises.com.au/core-exercises-for-beginnersMobile apps:www.downdogapp.comwww.calm.comWebsites to help you nd a local pelvic oor specialist:ptl.womenshealthapta.orgpelvicrehab.com/?utm_source=hermanwallace.com&utm_medium=referrral&utm_content=ndapractitioner41 msfocusmagazine.org'