b'Eliza Rivera earned both her bachelors in athletic training and masters inphysical therapy from the University of North Florida and completed her doctoratein physical therapy at Shenandoah University in 2010. Her areas of expertiseinclude pelvic oor rehabilitation for incontinence, colorectal dysfunction,dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, pelvic pain, and obstetric physical therapy.She isa Board Certied Womens Health Clinical Specialist by the American Board ofPhysical Therapy Specialists.Ruchira Singh is the chief, Division of Female Pelvic Medicine and ReconstructiveSurgery, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at UF health Jacksonville.She is board-certied both in obstetrics and gynecology and female pelvicmedicine and reconstructive surgery. She is actively engaged in clinical research,education, and has published multiple manuscripts in various peer-reviewedjournals. She is passionate about educating and empowering women to achievea healthy and active lifestyle.Ben Thrower is the medical director of the Andrew C. Carlos MS Institute atthe Shepherd Center in Atlanta, and the senior medical advisor for MS Focus.He is also a clinical instructor of neurology at Emory University and participatesactively in clinical research.Tracy Walker is a certified nurse practitioner at the Andrew C. Carlos MSInstitute at the Shepherd Center in Atlanta. She is actively involved in the MScommunity and frequently speaks on MS issues. Most notably, she has spokenon behalf of the MS Consortium of MS Centers.Megan Weigel is an advanced registered nurse practitioner specializing in thecare of MS patients. She received her doctor of nursing practice degree fromthe University of Florida in Gainesville, Fla., where her research focus waspreventive healthcare in MS patients. She is an active speaker in theregion, both to patients and healthcare providers, on topics related to the careof people living with MS. Ellen Whipple has been a medical advisor with MS Focus since 2002. She is aclinical pharmacist employed within medical aairs, as a director of medicalcommunications, and a clinical assistant professor with the University of GeorgiaCollege of Pharmacy.Christine Willis is the director of Knowledge Management and LearningResources at Shepherd Center in Atlanta. She oversees the Noble LearningResource Center and provides research assistance to clinicians as well as consumerhealth information for patients and families. Her research interests includehealth literacy, library services for people with disabilities, and teaching clinicianshow to access and evaluate evidence-based research to be applied in their practice.5 msfocusmagazine.org'