b'Therefore, catheterization helps keep the holding onto the bag. Try out a few types ofbladderfromoverdistendingandmimics catheters to determine what works best fornormal bladder function. It is important to you. wash your hands before and after, use clean Impaired vision can be another barrier fortechnique when performing catheterization, individuals with MS when completing an IC.and apply lubricant to protect the tissue leading It can be helpful to spend time locating yourinto the bladder. It is also important to perform urethral opening before trying to insert thecatheterizations on scheduleor more catheter. Mirrors are a great tool to assist withfrequently if you have additional uid intake. locating this area. You can also work with anYour medical team can give you the specic occupational therapist or a trusted individualprocedures to follow and tell you if there are to help locate the opening to the urethra. Ifany additional precautions you need to take you are still having diculties, try switchingIf you are having diculty performing the positions while seated to see if a dierentcatheterizations ask your medical team to refer angle will help you locate the urethral opening.you to an occupational therapist. Occupational The no touch method for completing an ICtherapists are a great resource for helping is preferred in order to reduce your risk ofpatients overcome any obstacles to performing contamination and infection.safe catheterizations. Lastly,decreasedrangeofmotionorC contractures can also make catheterizationCaatthheetteerriizzaattiioonncchhaalllleennggeessThere can be many obstacles that make difficultbylimitingpositioningoptions.completing self-intermittent catheterization Positioning is one of the most importantfor individuals with MS frustrating. Some of factorsforsuccessfulself-catheterization.these obstacles include impaired ne motor The position you need to be in to completecoordination or dexterity, weakness, impaired an IC greatly varies depending on if you are avision, and loss of range of motion or contractures. male or female. Because of female anatomy,limited range of motion in their lower bodyFear not! There are many strategies and pieces can lead to more diculty in completing anof equipment that can make it easier. IC. Contractures or decreased range of motionIt is not uncommon for individuals with can aect your ability to get into a position toMS to report having diculty with their ne eectively insert the catheter. Stretching dailymotor coordination or their ability to pick up may help increase or maintain your loweror manipulate small objects in their hands. body range of motion. Increased tone and/orDecreased ne motor coordination can make spasticity tends to be closely linked to the lossit dicult to manipulate the catheter to eectively of range of motion and can also negativelyinsert it into such a small target area while affect your ability to maintain an effectiveremaining clean. There are many catheters position. You may need to speak with yourout there that require less dexterity than others. doctor and/or work with your local physicalSome of these catheters can be used with little or occupational therapist to help manage theto no hand function. Look for catheters that spasticity or increased tone. areeasytoopenandhavermertubing. What if you are having trouble insertingThumb holes on the bag may help you with the catheter? Start slow. Dont try completing21 msfocusmagazine.org'